10 San Antonio Neighborhoods With Impressive Value Changes You Should Know
San Antonio neighborhoods throughout the metro soared in average home price appreciation in 2021. However, several communities stood out in my northeast San Antonio niche area as I ran my routine market analysis.
Keep in mind that as you go through these averages, a few of these neighborhoods also experienced double-digit percentage surges in 2020. I will point them out as we go.
Eden Neighborhood At Number 10
The first neighborhood on my list is Eden. This neighborhood previously sold homes in 2020 at an average of $234,583. By the end of 2021, the average sales price was $280,218, a 19.45% increase.
Falcon Heights Subdivision At Number 9
Next on my list is the neighborhood of Falcon Heights. In this community, homes sold at an average of $194,648. At the end of 2021, homes sold for $233.245, a 19.83% increase.
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Longs Ridge Community At Number 8
The third community on my list is Longs Ridge. This neighborhood experienced a 19.83% increase by the end of the 2021 year, for an average of $286,222. In addition, Longs Ridge also experienced a 15.08% increase in the previous 2020 year.
Knollcreek Neighborhood At Number 7
Fourth on my list is Knollcreek neighborhood. Knollcreek posted an impressive 20.62% average for the 2021 year. This average translates to an average sales price of $263,952.
Northern Hills Community At Number 6
Let’s move on to my fifth neighborhood at Northern Hills, which posted a 23.45% average gain in sales for 2021. This increase brought the sales price up to $261,846 from $212,114 the previous year, in which a 12.45% average sales price occurred.
Greenridge North Subdivision At Number 5
Now for neighborhood number six, Greenridge North. Greenridge North edged over Northern Hills with a 24.50% price appreciation gain in 2021 while posting a modest 7.67% gain the year before. Green Ridge finished the year with the average home selling for $198,267.
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Monterrey Village Community At Number 4
Up next at the seventh spot in Monterrey Village, where the average home sold for $260,719 and a 25.07% gain in 2021. This gain was impressive despite posting minus .26% average in 2020.
Oakview Heights Neighborhood At Number 3
At the number eight spot, Oakview. Oakview Hight Posted an even higher 26.35% average appreciation rate and sales price of $332,400 in 2021. Oakview Height also recorded a 5.31% rise in average home sales for 2020.
Valley Forge Subdivision At Number 2
Next to last on this list is Valley Forge neighborhood. Valley Forge posted a 26.35% gain in home appreciation in 2021, for an average sales price of $215,995.
El Dorado Neighborhood At Number 1
Finally, the last but certainly not the least is El Dorado Neighborhood. El Dorado ended the 2021 year with a 28.30% average gain in home appreciation, bringing the average price to $234,330. Also, El Dorado posted a 5.37% gain in 2020.
Are you ready to make a move? Contact me now.
By: Krishna Perkins