
Buying an older home in northeast San Antonio | 6 tips you need to know

If you’re considering buying an older home in northeast San Antonio, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are some tips to help you make a smart purchase:

  1. Get a home inspection: Before you make an offer on an older home in San Antonio, it’s essential to have a professional home inspection. A home inspector can identify any issues with the property, such as foundation problems ( we have many of those issues), outdated electrical systems, or plumbing issues. You should also consider getting specialized inspections, such as a pest inspection, to identify potential problems.
  2. Check the condition of the roof: The roof is an essential component of any home, and it’s especially important in an older home. Inspect the roof for any signs of damage or wear and tear, particularly wind and hail, in northeast San Antonio. A damaged roof can lead to water damage and other issues.
  3. Check for lead paint: If the home was built before 1978, there’s a good chance it contains lead-based paint. This type of paint can be hazardous to your health, especially if it’s chipping or peeling. Be sure to test for lead paint and take appropriate steps to remove it if necessary.
  4. Consider the cost of renovations: Older homes often require renovations to meet modern standards. Before buying, ensure you understand the cost of these renovations and factor them into your budget.
  5. Look for energy-efficient features: Older homes can be less energy-efficient than newer homes. Look for features such as updated insulation, energy-efficient windows, and a modern HVAC system to help reduce your energy costs.
  6. Research the home’s history: Older homes often have a rich history, and it’s worth researching the home’s past before buying. You can learn about the home’s architectural style, former owners, and any significant events that may have taken place there.

With these tips in mind, you can make an informed decision when buying an older home in northeast San Antonio. Remember, an older home can be full of charm and character ( just like the ones in suburban Windcrest, TX, featured in the video below). Still, taking precautions is essential to ensure it’s a safe and comfortable place to live.

Krishna Perkins


Maverick Homes And Neighborhoods