12 San Antonio Fiesta© Events You won’t want to miss 2021

San Antonio Fiesta© Events 2021 June 17-27 2021 *schedule subject to change
Antonio Fiesta© Event #1

Fiesta© At Hemisfair – June 17 4pm- 10 pm ( Free event, live music, kid friendly, arts and crafts, food and local non profit causes) Location: Hemisair 434. S. Alamo st
Antonio Fiesta© Event #2

Crown The King – June 18 5:30-7pm ( *Free event, enjoy mariachis, dancers and the royal court) Location: Downtown Main Plaza 115 N. Main Plaza
Antonio Fiesta© Event #3

Fiesta© De Los Reyes – June 24th 10 am -11:59 pm ( Event is a fundraiser for college scholarships by the Rey Feo Education Foundation.) Location: Market Square 514 West Commerce Square
Antonio Fiesta© Event #4

Fiesta© De los Ninos – June 19 10am – 6 pm (Free online event, ESPORTS event) Watch live as your favorite college teams battle for scholarship money) http://fiestadelosninos.com
Antonio Fiesta© Event #5

Fiesta© Especial Inclusion 5K And 1 mile Dash June 19, 7 am – 1pm ( Fees $35/$25 Location: Windcrest City Hall 8601 Midcrown Registration http://www.fiestaespcial.com/run-walk-registration.html
Antonio Fiesta© Event #6

Viva Botanica June 19 10am – 2pm (Family Friendly, $15-$12 fees for admission) Enjoy 38 Acres of nature, hands on activities, food tasting and performances. Drinks and food available for purchase. You’re welcome to bring a blanket. Location: Botanica Garden 555 Funston Pl
Antonio Fiesta© Event #7

Texas Cavaliers River Parade June 21 7pm-9pm (First established in 194. The parade helps the Cavalier Charitable Foundation raise money for Children’s Charities. Over 10 million dollars have been raised since inception.) Location: San Antonio River Walk
Antonio Fiesta© Event #8

A Night In Old San Antonio (NIOSA) June 22 -25 , 5:30 pm- 10:30 pm (NIOSA is ran by volunteers of the Conservation Society of San Antonio. Funds are used to preserve historic buildings, parks and waterways. Location: La Villita 418 La Villita Street
Antonio Fiesta© Event #9

Ford Mariachi Festival June 22-24, 7:30pm-9:30pm Free event. Performances by student mariachis from high schools and colleges. Location: River Walk 602 E. Commerce
Antonio Fiesta© Event #10

Fiesta© Gartenfest June 23-25, 5pm-11:59pm (Family friendly event. Enjoy German music, food, dance and drink.) Tickets Location: Beethoven Halle and Garden 422 Pereida St.
Antonio Fiesta© Event #11

10th Street River Festival June 24-26 12 dpm-11:59 pm Free event. Family friendly. Come marvel at the 10th street mansion and celebrate at the oldest VFW post in Texas. Location: Downtown VFW Post 76 10 10th Street
Antonio Fiesta© Event #12

Festival De Loas Animals June 26- June 27 10am-5pm Location: Zoo members get in free. Tickets for non members. The theme is Latin American conservation of animals featuring Latin American culinary experiences. Location: San Antonio Zoo 3903 N St Mary’s St
Do you still need more Fiesta©? Visit https://fiestasanantonio.org/